Monday, July 16, 2012

Twenty Six

Tuesday was a wondrous day celebrating the big "2-6" with Jeff. It was packed with birthday activities which kept us busy, busy, busy. I loved getting to surprise Jeff with the planned list of festivities. Amongst all of the celebrating, we made a trip to Target to get a some things for our apartment and spent a few hours cleaning, assembling and organizing our place. Here is the documentation of the wonderful day.

He was awoken by a traditional morning parade which was followed by a breakfast of happy cakes served on the special red plate. (Pictured: Jeff browsing one of his presents, "The Philosophy Book")

After eating we biked to Seven Peaks water park and took our waterproof camera to capture some of the fun.

We decided a trip to Baskin Robbins for an ice cream cone would be a fitting post water park activity.

Jeff and one of his favorite presents from Mom and Dad Tirrell!
Gooo Dodgers!

Dinner was provided by Pizzeria 712 and was most delicious.

Afterwards, we drove back to our apartment and upon entry Jeff was surprised to find our friends waiting to celebrate his birthday with him. It was a fun time having everyone over for cake and ice-cream and getting to host our friends in our new place. It was a great day celebrating with Jeff.

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